Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the details to help you with all your FAQs. Our team would be glad to assist you for your travels and all other questions about the festivities.
🌴 When is the RSVP deadline?
Please RSVP by February 16th, so we can have an accurate headcount. 😊
🌴 Can I bring a date?
Please check your invite for your +1
🌴 Are kids welcome?
As much as we love your little ones, we will not be including them in the ceremony and the reception on the wedding day. However, we recognize that some of you will be traveling with your kids, so please know that they are welcome at the Welcome Dinner on Friday April 19, 2024 and the Sunday brunch!
We will also be providing a babysitting service at the venue during the ceremony if you cannot find other accommodations for them. Please reach out if you have questions about this.
🌴 What should I wear?
Please check our Dress Code guide here.
🌴 Is the wedding indoors or outdoors?
Our wedding ceremony and reception are both outdoors.
🌴 What kind of shoes should we be wearing?
Calling all ladies NOT TO WEAR stiletto heels. We repeat, do not wear stiletto heels. There are a bunch of grassy/dirt areas that you might have to walk into so wear chunky heels or sandals. Can’t have any of you ruining nice shoes or hurting your ankles while we all are having a great time.
🌴 Is it okay to take pictures with our phones during the wedding?
Yes! We would love for you to take photos and share them on our app. However, please refrain from taking photos during the ceremony and you may post all your photos and clips the next day. After all, your real time presence is more important for us.